Stop Fucking Diluting Yourself!

Hey You!

I spent the first few years of this business trying to be not me, I diluted my personality, I tried to dilute my accent, I tried to fit in and more precisely BLEND in. I was scared to be me, maybe I knew subconsciously what being more of me meant, it would mean showing up, fuck that’s scary, it would mean speaking my truth GAHHH!! even more scary. It would mean success, money and with that big responsibility. Anyway, cut the story short one day I woke up, was sick of no clients, no money and blending in and decided to be me, that was the day I became magnetic to my soul clients.


You were born with exactly what you need to success. The perfect time, under the perfect planets, with the perfect quirks and traits, the perfect name. everything you need is inside of you so to turn on fully your magnetism it is really simple.




When you figure out and bring to the surface your special sauce (which actually shouldn’t be that difficult) you find the ‘thing’ that quality that will make you so attractive to YOUR soul clients and compel them to join your programs and courses and be in your world!


Note this doesn’t mean you have to be louder, brasher or crazier to stand out, your SC will love you for YOU, so you don’t have to be anything else other than that.


Blending in causes you to be lost in the sea of other blenders. You think about someone you love and attracted to; a celebrity, coach, author what is it about them that attracts you to them?


For me I like strong, decisive, I like authentic. if you are not being real, I can tell a mile off and so can your clients!! Even if they don’t know it your energy is either attracting them, drawing them in OR repelling them! And if you’re not being YOU you will unknowingly be pushing them away!


Your soul clients have a similar vibration to you, they feel you, hear you and connect with you in the higher planes waaaayy before they ever meet you SO HOW ARE THEY GOING TO FEEL YOU IF YOU’RE NOT BEING YOU!!!!!


If you dilute who you are for even a second you put this invisible barrier up between not just your soul clients but between all the people that can help and assist you in your mission.


Find out who you are, bring all of that you’re hiding and be more of that and you will become fucking magnetic to the people, the fans, the students, the clients, the helpers, lovers, friends AND all the connection that make your time here on earth awesome.


If you want more and to be seen as a leader – become more of YOU!

Emily xx

emily hill