Do you Doubt That You Can Create the Money and Success You Want?

Let’s get into the nitty gritty… do you feel your big business desires are possible… not only feel but do KNOW that this is happening?


Do you know with all parts of you that you will have and can have the big abundant business that serves all of your soul peeps in amazing ways and that you can have the lifestyle that friggen lights up your soul?


Get your journal and answer this…


What makes you so sure?

Why are you so sure?


It’s easy to say you are sure but knowing and saying are two completely different things and the more you can solidify and find evidence that YES it is completely possible and inevitable that this will happen the quicker your subconscious will get to work creating it.


You will become magnetic to it as soon as you decide and believe it’s completely fucking possible and the ACT from the place of knowing it’s all a done deal.


And you can use other people to solidify this for you, for example. You want to create a million / billion-pound business, but you want to do it in easy aligned and soulful way…. but near enough every day you are doubting, shying away from the work and tinkering just under the surface of success…


Go out there and find evidence of other people doing that same thing and use them as solid evidence for your subconscious that it is of course completely possible. If it’s been done, if it’s being done right now then you can of course do it as well (any idea you receive is given to you with the premise that there is a way to create it but to me it imprints the belief even further to know that some version of my desire has already been created)



Borrow other people’s successes as proof for your subconscious that you can do it. Obvs you don’t need to find this evidence if the belief burns in you bright enough, however its such a great exercise and reminder that of course it is possible for you to.



When I first started my coaching business I didn’t see any one in the UK doing what I was doing, so I kept coming across the Americans, they were the only real examples I could see of it being done but the funny thing was, now I know there WAS people doing it in the UK I just hadn’t manifested them into my experience YET, I was creating on the basis of my expectations!


Now it feels like everybody and their dog is a coach BUT if you asked my dad or my friends who are not in the entrepreneurial space they wouldn’t be aware of any of them and they would still think it’s quite unbelievable that you can make millions doing this kind of work!


There will be many healers totally unaware there are healers creating multi pound businesses doing their god given healing work BUT if they are not vibrating at that level of abundance, they will be oblivious!


If you feel like your subconsciousness isn’t always on board in the same way your conscious mind is (it will catch up by the way if your keeping doing the inner world) but to give an instant shift in belief go out there and find some out there that is the millionaire / billionaire ….. (insert what you do / want) completely led by soul, and is doing it to the highest richest level; find them and use them as your evidence that it is possible


And if it’s possible for them it is for you too…

Remind yourself of this everyday; that it’s totally fucking possible and if they can do it, so can you!

Your subconscious will get on board the more you vibrate the energy of ‘Of course it’s possible!’

You have to vibrate YES, it’s possible BEFORE you can vibrate having it! Somethings you can go straight into the energy of having it exist but bigger things that are a bit of a stretch may require you taking a little time to accustom your mind, kinda marinating in the possibility to give you subconscious mind evidence that will assist it in getting on board in the creation of your desire…

Next time you doubt find the fucking evidence that yes it is possible for you and do not let go of that belief, keep taking action, you’ll see more evidence and then the quicker the momentum will snowball bringing everything you want fast and furiously into your life!

Emily xxx


Emily xx

emily hill