What the Hell Do You Want? Find You True Desire and Manifest It!

If there is one thing that I can tell you, that no matter what your current situation is, you could be flat broke, feeling hopeless with no idea of solutions to get you out of the mess you’re in, and there is one small thing that will shift you, heal you, put you back on track and begin the magnetisation process (you have always been and will always be magnetic but maybe not to the things you want) is this…


What the fuck do you want?

Like really? Because this question should be the most simplest  question for  you to answer, but for most people its not. I get umms and err’s and wishy washy statements that quite frankly are boring.. This one single question asked every single day will start things moving in the right direction because if you don’t know the destination how the hell will you know which way to go?


You say you want more

You say you don’t want to be stuck where you are

You say you came here to make a difference

You say you want a big business

BUT what does that look like, smell like, feel like?? What would all this actually mean to you? What would it bring? What would you do? Who with?


Desire is literally the biggest obstacle baster known to man, desire can create miracles or start wars. Desire has been the catalyst, for every invention, every miracle and every war. It’s the thing that has persons desire can be stupendous and change things for the better or for the worse.


Your desire will blast you through any obstacle you may face, it will keep you going when things get tough as at times they will, creating extraordinary things will take you shifting and healing and taking quantum leaps and that is not for the faint hearted. Will you get scared, probably, will you doubt yourself? More than likely. Will you want to give up? You bet you will feel like running away at times BUT your desire you will keep you going IF you can tap into the vision every single fucking day!


When you desire is stronger than your fears that’s when things really start to move…


So you have to make the vision a good one! Forget what everybody else wants… what do you want? Don’t spend your life chasing dreams that are filtered, diluted, created by society, desired by every other coach out there leaves you chasing dreams that wasn’t even yours in the first place. Your heart knows what you desire, What makes you happy? If money was not even a thing what would you go, experience? Or put it another way if you were a billionaire, what would you do, go, experience, be?


How would you serve? What would you want to help your soul clients and students with? How would that look for you? What would your day look like? What would you wear? Eat? What time would you wake up?


I see so many people creating their desires about what feels possible at that time or around what they here other people talking about and they spout the typical for example… I want to be creating £10k months… great, that’s an absolutely perfect desire to have but I would ask why? Why does that appeal to you? What excites you about that? What would that give to you? Who could you be more of with this type of money? How would it feel to know that this was yours every month?

Decide what it is you want and then dig a little deeper…. Take each one of your desires and ask the same questions….


Why does that appeal to you?

What excites you about that?

What would that give to you?

What could you do is you had this?

Who could you be more of if you had this?

How would it feel to know that this was yours?


Get your journal and ask yourself these ultra important questions as knowing this stuff is make or break to you creating the ultimate life!!

Emily xxx


emily hill