Are you Sick of Repeating the Same Lessons?

There’s a lot of reasons why you keep repeating the same patterns, it could be money stuff, relationship stuff, business, health really anything at all and there’s always a background as to why you keep doing loop the loop with this shit!


You may have  looked at beliefs and that’s definitely something that could be  going on, I can spot these a mile away with my clients and we shift them fast BUT if you keep repeating the same thing you may need to dig a little deeper, you may have a vibrational bond that is behind the FALSE  and SHITTY beliefs and behind the unwanted manifestations!


We’re often intentionally and unintentionally making agreements and contracts, with other people, with ourselves and the stronger the energy behind the agreement the more it sticks within our cellular memory, energy field and subconscious, and the more we create from this place!


Lately I’ve been helping my client’s clear vows of poverty from past lives. this vow keeps reverberating in this lifetime so was keeping my client broke and struggling, once we shifted this she went on to increase her next months income by 25%

Another brought in Vows from a past life relationship which was keeping her stuck in a relationship she didn’t want to be in, we cleared it and she got clear of him and the unhappiness!

Agreements made as a child to never reveal her true self to anyone which resulted in her hiding in her business (obviously not making money and staying the worlds best kept secret, once cleared she felt confident to do live training's, record videos and sell her services to her soul mate clients with confidence.


You are powerful!


Your words and decisions have power and when you put strong emotion behind them you invoke even more potently the universal law of cause and effect. Your words create ripples in the Universe, and they can keep boomeranging back to you.


 Some of them run in the background not really making a difference to your everyday life, for example if your current desire is stronger than the contract, your desires will move that obstacle! (Desire is massive obliterator of old agreements and contracts!!)


Others of your decisions and agreements, ESPECIALLY when they’re made from hurt, or anger or humiliation, (remember the more emotion behind your words the deeper they stick in your cellular memory) you are very much bringing into your manifestations, your business, your finances, your relationships.


Many of us are being called to shift this old energy that is no longer required, it’s time to clear yourself of unwanted baggage to allow you to move into the next stage of your evolution!


If you are fucking certain you have a mission, something spectacular to do in this life its not an OPTION, you must get rid of the old crap you have been carrying around YOU MUST not let this stop or slow you down ANYMORE!


Sometimes you make agreements that work in your favour; the child whose parents struggle with money may make a powerful declaration I WILL NEVER STRUGGLE LIKE MY PARENTS they unknowingly make an agreement that they will be abundant NO MATTER WHAT. This desire is a silent force that keeps them on the path, the don’t let fear stop them and they just keep going!!


Other agreements can keep you hurdling backwards and stop your from creating your full potential.


Your decisions, declarations, agreements all have power. And the stronger the emotion behind it the more it will stay in your etheric blueprint and you bring that energy back time and time again to your creations.


This lifetime, for many of us is about clearing old outdated agreements, vows and contracts that we’re made from the personality selves in the many lives we have experienced so that we can move forward in our expansion.


It’s time for you to clear anything that is holding you back!!

Do you feel in your soul that it’s time for you to clear and of the invisible bonds and barriers?

Don't let another day go by stuck in the same sabotaging patterns, because you're here for something special!


Emily xx


P.s have you joined my FREE Facebook group? Let me help you shift your stuff and manifest everything you've been asking for.. come and join us HERE for training's and support!


emily hill