This is Your Real Purpose!!

I just have this quick message you today….. Whatever you do for OR with your clients you are basically shifting consciousness in them


ALL of us, spiritual entrepreneurs shift consciousness for our clients

If your service, make things easier for your clients you are helping them to feel better – that’s a shift in consciousness

If your product puts a smile on their face or makes them feel better in any way – you are making a shift in their vibration – that’s a shift in consciousness

If when a client gets off the phone with you and they feel energised, exciting, clear or however you make them feel – you are shifting their consciousness


And what’s a shift in consciousness is – it means a shift in awareness;

It means expansion, evolution and growth

It means more abundance, love and joy

It becomes we become privy to the real magic  of the universe!!


Imagine your life with only love and abundance, faster manifestations more happiness than ever before

Imagine a world filled with living, abundance and happy people, kindness and compassion


This is the bigger picture of what you are moving towards with every single client and person you help in your business




Every shift you make in yourself and others triggers the law of cause and effect – every shift sends ripples around the whole entire planet so if you make one shift for someone today you are effecting the lives of everyone that has and will ever existed


Just breath that in for a moment – AHHHHHHH that’s Massive isn’t it???


Every email you send out

every connection you make

every post

every video and or training

every sale

every conversation 

IF you are sending out loving heart centred and abundant messages  - YOU  ARE SHIFTING CONSCIOUSNESS

(Of course you've got to be very mindful to not come from lack and fear otherwise that's the vibration your affecting everyone else with - this is why the more you work on your own magnetism and abundance the higher the vibes you are sending out will be)



I just want you to know how important you are and how ever you wrap your gifts and talents up, you make a difference every time your energy, your words and your work connect with someone and make them feel better in any way. just ONE person and you've shifted the whole entire planet!! And the more people you impact the more this world shifts and you my friend are such an integral part of this puzzle


Never forget these words and how important you are 


Loads of love

Emily xxx

emily hill