6 Invisible Barriers Between you and your Soul Clients and How to Release Them

1 . Vibrationally Closed for business

Imagine a physical shop and they have the closed sign up on the door. Would you go and try and buy anything? NO, you would just keep walking on by. You may come back later, or you may shop elsewhere that has a BIG open sign on the door.

You are either open for business and welcoming your clients or shutting the door on them and not with anything physical but with your vibration!

I remember promoting a webinar back in the day and as the day came, I actually sat saying to myself “please, don’t turn up, please don’t turn up” ha! Funnily nobody did. And I was relieved because I was scared of getting it wrong, scared of them not liking me so I just put up my closed sign! I really wanted new clients, but I also didn’t want them because of my fears and insecurities.

 You may be putting up your closed sign for other reasons than just fear. Sometimes you don’t have time or space to take on new clients? So you’ve got to figure out a) if you really want new clients and b)how you can clear anything that’s stopping your doors being wide open!


2 – No space!!

Anytime there is a space the universe will fill it. Ever noticed that you clear out your bits of crap drawer (you do have one of those don’t you?) and a few days later, its well full of crap again! This is because the Universe abhors a vacuum and a space doesn’t stay a space for long, energy never dies its transforms so if you make a space the energy is still there and will materialise again in a new form. If you want more clients MAKE SPACE!


3 - Confusion

You’ve probably heard marketers say “a confused mind never buys” this is true, but it should really be; a confused seller never sells. It’s all about YOUR energy if you’re clear about what you offer, the value you give, the benefit to your soul client, they will feel it, you will be able to speak to them with clarity soul 2 soul. Clarity breeds confidence. The clearer you are, the more confident you will be. The more confident you are the more your energy is magnetic to your soul clients. Look at your offerings are you clear and confident? Can you easily tell someone with confidence about your offering in a sentence or two?


4 – You’re NOT in LOVE!

Love is the most magnetic energy and if you love your services, programs and products your soul client will love it too, your love energy will magnetise them to you! If you love how you serve and reach your soul clients, then your love will reach out to them and your energy will hit them in the face and draw them into your world.

And more in-fucking-portant DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF??? I know this sounds like a cliché but how can you expect them to fall in love with you if you don’t’ love yourself! You can just tell when someone loves and values themselves and they are the people you want to be around, they exude that attraction energy!


5 You need healing and alignment

There can be energetical interference’s hanging around that once shifted can open those floodgates to an abundance of your soul clients. It may be an experience, contract or agreement, imprint or a stubborn belief. Most high level leaders and entrepreneurs need healing and alignment to take them to their next level but most invest and prioritise their time and money in the outer efforts, working with business coaches, taking courses and yes there’s a big place for them, we need to do the outer work BUT a business coach can’t see your energetical blocks and even the ones who talk about mindset usually won’t know how to heal the energy in a permanent way.

In order to have full and transformation it takes healing both the mind and then clearing up the energy systems to support the mental shifts. If you keep repeating the same patterns, if you can’t seem to break through to the next level then seeking help by a high frequency energy worker will shift you into your next level of evolution.  (you can find out more about my work as a healer to high level leaders HERE)


6 Don’t be needy!

Neediness is signalling to the Universe that you don’t have enough clients and guess what you’re going to get back? Not having enough clients!! Switch that needy energy to one of service, focus on how you can serve your peeps rather than wasting time focusing on where the fuck they are! Also check in, why do you need them?? A money desire can often be behind a NEED for clients, is this true for you? If so, work on your money stuff first! Needing money puts pressure on your business and takes you away from what you’re supposed to be doing! Serving! It often makes you take actions you don’t love and stops you from authentically serving.


There is an absolute abundance of soul clients for you and when you follow the tips above you will open those doors and let them in! You have so much fucking awesomeness to give to the world, pay attention to the invisible signals and keep working on your inner world, as you take BIG action that’s in alignment with you!


Go a bit deeper with my 30 minutes, no pitch training on how to become magnetic to your soul clients! Get Instant Access HERE

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emily hill