Why you Need to Stop Dimming your Light...

Dear teacher, leader healer…


You can’t keep going on dimming your light to fit in with the world

You don’t fit in

You’re not the “norm” (whatever “normal” is!)

When will you be ok with that?

You need to awaken to the power you possess and the gifts you have, to help the world evolve

You didn’t come here to fit in or to be the same as everyone else

You came here to awaken the world

And the world needs you to boldly be you


To express your messages, to shine brightly so your students, soul family and clients can wake up to theirs


You are a leader of the light

If you try to be like everyone else, you just blend it and that’s not who your meant to be!!


You’re not meant to blend in, if you’re the same as everyone else how can you do your work of changing and evolving the world

Staying the same doesn’t bring through change!


And it can be scary, the world can feel harsh! The very first thing you need to do is to love yourself and love your work and be happy with who you are, knowing that for every one person that judges you negatively (that’s their shit by the way) there will be many more who are inspired by you and will lift themselves into happier, more expansive places because you choose to be brave.


You don’t fit in

You are not the norm

You came here with a mission, something to do


It’s not about you lowering your consciousness to fit in, it’s about you boldly being you and singing your messages to lift their consciousness to meet yours and then go beyond that!

Its not the easiest path but it is the one that will bring you the most joy and when you learn to be ok with who you are, you’ll stop caring what others think, you will find your tribe; the ones who get you and love you and want more of whatever your offering


Focus on the soul clients, students and friends

It’s a choice and you are never too late to choose that you will do everything possible to shine that light so brightly that everything you ever wanted comes flooding to you in abundance


It will mean doing the inner work to overcome the fears and doubts

It will mean taking a good look inside of you and exploring the possibilities of what you choose to create

 It will mean you have to make powerful decisions about how you operate on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level

It will mean investing time and energy

It will mean letting go of old, outdated energy, beliefs and even people


But it will bring you the most joy, abundance and happiness!

Don’t leave this planet without doing what you came here to do, be and experience...

Emily xxx

P.s if you feel like you need a helping hand in shining your light and being the powerful leader, healer, teacher, messenger the Inner Circle is Here for you. You don't have to do this alone! you can check it out here to see if its the helping hand you need


emily hill