Do you Know When You'll be a Big Success?
When you fucking decide that you already ARE one! Everything you ever want starts with a powerful decision and not some wishy washy, I might, maybe, kinda decision. But a big, powerful I AM GOING TO BE A FUCKING SUCCESS decision.
A decision so powerful that you suddenly get 3 inches taller because every cell in your body hears and feels the YES YES YES decision you just made!
A decision so strong that your whole energy field automatically aligns and shifts
A decision so bold that your guides and helpers feel it and whoop with joy!
This kind of decision and desire will smash through any obstacle you have, any “BLOCK” (You prob know I think most blocks are bullshit but that’s another story)
This is the massive kind of decision that I made this week, actually it didn’t even feel like it came from me… It was my soul speaking, it was the divine knocking on my door telling me there is WAY more for me to do! If you’re like me and you know you have WAY much more inside of you way more! Then it’s time for you to make those life altering decisions that will stop you being mediocre, stop you from hiding and into the reality you’ve just been dreaming about until now. And to start the energy rolling you have to decide you already are what you want.
What is your soul telling you?
The divine is knocking on your door by giving you desires… What desire is knocking on your door? Are you honouring them or just pushing them away? (journal on these questions to get a deeper understanding of your soul’s messages)
Looking through an old journal I found this channelled message I wrote and I want to share it with you, as it really spoke to my soul, all those months ago those words came to me and reading it today. From my soul to yours, listen to the messages that come as you read.
Never forget what you’re here to do, never forget that mission inside of you, when you see these women doing big things in the world, you can do this also.
Rise into your power every day
Expand don’t contract
Expand your energy
Call to you everything you want
Turn the atoms and molecules into money and anything else you desire and draw it in
Open your arms and allow that money to funnel into your world
Give as much thanks as you can muster
Ignore the realty that doesn’t please you
Affirm all I desire is already mine.
Now these words may stir something inside of you, you could quite possibly have already decided something BIG before you got to the end of the email or maybe not. Just know that everything starts with a powerful decision and not some wishy washy, I might, maybe, kinda decision. But a big, powerful I AM GOING TO BE A FUCKING SUCCESS! Decision
Loads of love
Emily x