How to Manage Low energy and Still Show up and make Money

This time of year is for going inwards and its natural to feel lower energy at times and I don’t mean negative energy, I mean quieter, reflective, feeling as if you want to pull back from the world and that’s OK. In December I always feel this energy, I also feel like this after a new moon and when I’m on my period and what I have learned is there is NO POINT PUSHING THROUGH but that doesn’t mean you have to do nothing, you can honour your body and soul, serve your clients and still keep selling and growing your business



But how do you manage low energy when you’ve still got shit to do, when you still need to show up and make money in your biz?

 I have put a mini guide together that will help you…


1.       Structure your week - Find a structure that works for you where you get down time, quiet time and time to reflect while serving your clients and making sales. Block certain days where; you see your clients (leaving days where you have no clients at all) Blocks sales and marketing days, where your only focus in on business development. Schedule time out and quiet time to feed your soul.



2.       Focus on AIGT’s – Aligned Income generating tasks; aligned activities that bring in money! You can faff around and spend unnecessary energy on things that aren’t aligned and not generating income or attracting clients – if you want to make more money while being able to chill more; make a list of the things that generate income. Any sales and marketing activities, promoting, serving and things that put you in front of your soul clients are AIGT’s focus on them as a priority If you can delegate, the tasks that don’t bring in the moola such as creating graphics, scheduling posts then even better.


3.       Choose carefully what you say yes to, don’t be scared to say no to shit that doesn’t align with your soul and make you feel good on the other hand say YES to anything that lights you up.


4.       When you feel great, make a batch of videos either for your programs or marketing (if you use video to market or serve your clients that is) to use on days when you feel like you need to hibernate. Video is a really great way to connect with your clients but if you’re like me, there are days when I just don’t feel like making them, in the winter especially December, on days like that I love to snuggle and write instead, so build a stock of video to use on these occasions.


5.       You get to market your business the way you want. Stop trying to force yourself to do things that don’t feel good!! Some people find mega success writing only, some only do video or lives, bloggers, insta influences; success can come in any way! You’ve just got to find your flow baby and only do it the way your soul is calling you to – when you market and sell the way that lights you up; you will get quicker results, make more money all while chilling with cup of tea under your blanket


6.       Make your manifesting and energy rituals a priority – don’t start your day without doing something to lift your energy to the highest vibration and get your mind in full manifesting mode! At times of low energy this step is the MOST important. Just as low energy doesn’t mean sad and down, high energy doesn’t have to mean running around like crazy, it means feeling good, feeling peace, joy and freedom, your morning rituals will help you feel as good as possible, focus on your desires and exude the perfect energy to call in your desires. You can get a copy of my magnetic mindset workbook for free packed with resources to create your morning ritual and magnetise your mindset. Get it HERE


7.       Be at peace with how you’re feeling, acknowledge and accept; if you feel tired, or quiet, or sensitive; accept the feeling instead of fighting it. Every time you resist your emotions and feelings you just increase them through the law of increase, you bring more of it into your body but as soon as you accept them you allow a higher energy to flow.

Just as the tide ebbs and flows, so does your energy and every cycle of the universe, you can’t possibly have loads of energy all of the time, there are times when you need to go within, to relax, to nurture and heal and when you learn to work with the ups and downs of your energy in ways that feel good to you at that time, you become magnetic to your soul clients and create a life and business you absolutely love.

Emily xxx

P.s don’t forget You can get a copy of my magnetic mindset workbook for free, packed with resources to create your morning ritual and magnetise your mindset so you can attract your soul clients and supercharge your sales.. Get yours HERE



emily hill