Are you Scared to Trigger People with your Soul Message?

When you are here to make a difference in the world and shift consciousness you WILL HAVE TO ruffle feathers!! People don’t grow by staying comfortable they grow when shit happens! {And how you react to the way people and the universe shakes you up is entirely up to you so it doesn’t mean you to grow through struggle!! This sense of triggering is growth, if you choose it to be and you can use it to quantum leap)

Anyway, I digress… If you want your clients to get the full transformation of working with you, you’re going to have to trigger them at times and if they get triggered and blame you then fuck them! They are not your ideal clients!

If they get triggered and are ready to sort their shit out, YOU will be able to get them results they want!

If your marketing and sales triggers people then again, if and when they are ready to take responsibility to sort their shit out, who do you think will be the person they come to for help? YOU obvs!

My clients have called me lovingly, brutal because I will say it how it is and sometimes you will be triggered and maybe even want to sulk and stamp your feet and tell me I’m wrong but guess what? I get big results for my clients because I am confident and brave enough to speak the truth and shine the light on things that they can’t see…I create shifts in people instantly, I can clear lifetimes worth of BS in a very short time, that would take people years and even lifetimes to clear on their own and I don’t get these results by pandering to the ego of both me and my clients! They pay me to get results and that’s what they get and nearly always my clients and I end up being friends

And honestly it doesn’t mean you have to a bitch or be something you’re not – the way you deliver your message should always be in alignment with you!

I remember being scared to trigger people too; fear of being judged, of not being liked – I had to do a lot of work around because not being fully you and speaking your truth will stop clients from working with you!

When you show up as the real YOU… Your clients will show up wanting to work with you!

I’m telling you when I shifted all the old crap that was limiting my ability to serve and make money EVERYTHING exploded. I Stopped diluting myself online, I stopped letting what other people think stop me from taking action (and making money)

SO basically, my message today is stop being a pussy and say what you’ve got to say! Say it loud! Say it proud and your soul clients will gravitate to you in ways like never before, they will literally come out of the word work

And I just want to add, you don’t have to try and think about ways to piss people off, you just need to say what you think, when you think it, call people (lovingly) out on their shit, speak up about what you stand for and against, if you have controversial views SAY THEM! If you swear in real life do the same in your marketing and online…. BE YOU…

Take your special sauce and your message and be more of that and I promise your clients will love your friggen bones for it!

Emily xxxx

P.S Look I’m not going to lie… in order for you to be fully confident in you and your message so that you can magnetise clients and money at that next level, you are going to have to do some inner work! What took me years to shift could take you so much quicker!

If you want to leap to the next level in terms of money, clients, business and LIFE then book a next level alignment call with me where we'll get as clear as a crystal on your next level, aligned vision, flesh out the three BIG things that need to happen, AND identify where you need to shift your energy and mindset to CREATE it ALL with so much fucking ease! 

These calls are super valuable and IF I feel I can help you and IF you wanna know more I will show you how we can work together to take that leap in the next few months instead of years and if NOT that is super cool to, you're going to walk away feeling inspired and motivated AF after this time with me! So do not delay I only do limiting amounts of these calls so grab one here


emily hill