How to Handle Your Biz When You've Got Shit Going On

Hey Gorgeous

The reason I am writing this is I’ve had some shit going on in my life (at the time of writing this my boy had a long spell in hospital a few months ago but at the time of posting this we’re going through a global pandemic so really fucking relevant right now!

When you’re a mom, nothing is more important than your kiddo’s so when they have intense challenges going on, especially ones that have a massive impact on the whole family it affects you massively… it affects business, your focus goes out the window and can send you spiralling out of emotional control.. its normal, its natural as they say… SHIIT HAPPENS! So, here are my 9 top tips for you to navigate business when curve balls get thrown at you…


  1. There is nothing more important than you feeling good, if this means you don’t post, you don’t write, create content, you have to reschedule client calls or you take a break; you fucking do it. Your soul clients ain’t going anywhere, money won’t disappear (unless you believe it will) the world will keep spinning and as much YOU think people will be annoyed if you don’t post or whatever, trust me, they won’t. Don’t let your ego trick you into thinking you are letting anyone down or fill you with fake self-importance. And if your clients don’t understand, are they really soul clients??

  2. ALIGNMENT FIRST ALWAYS! Before you try to get into work, you do whatever it takes to move that vibrational frequency up the scale, now don’t try to go from depressed to delighted all in one swoop! Acknowledge how you feel in this moment, name the emotion, accept that this is where you are, feel it and be ok with it. THEN choose the next best feeling, then the next best feeling and so on. It’s taken me 6 days to even pick up my laptop, last Friday I felt broken, lost, sad, angry and I felt every fucking emotion. Its ok to feel and when you acknowledge, accept it then choose to feel better - you will move through it faster.

  3. What do you want? Have you forgotten what a powerful creator you are? Stop focussing on what is and decide what the fuck you are going to create, what outcome do you want? What is most important to you (and be honest) and then honour it by keeping that as your main focus today

  4. Write it, how you want it to be as if its already happening. This is one of the most powerful ways to call in what you want… do this everyday and see your world change fast.

  5. Brain dump everything that is on the top of your mind to do; write and write get everything out of your head, if you feel like it choose 3 things that would feel amazing today to cross of that list – but this is optional, only do it if it feels good.

  6. When time is limited, you’ve got other shit going on I focus on my 3 top (aligned) income generating tasks, what is going to bring in the sales? The clients? The money? Its easy to faff and caught up with the stuff that doesn’t drive your business forward, now is the time to put your blinkers on and be really focused.

  7. What are your non negotiable's to be able to keep your business running? There’s a time for more, extra and BIG and there’s a time where you need to turn on your autopilot mode and do the bare minimum to keep things going. Write your list of the most important things and focus on just doing these until you can get back into your flow.

  8. Get support, business isn’t built by one person, whether that’s your friend, your coach a mentor, your business buddies, team members that do the shit you don’t have time and space for, call in the people that can help you.

  9. Most of all follow what feels best, today I’ve written this blog because I know that someone out there needs this today and I feel so much better by easing myself back into my soul work. I can feel my flow returning, the high vibe Emily is bubbling back to the surface. I’ve journaled, meditated, had long baths, my kids have been with there dad so I’ve had thee time and space to chill and to follow the steps above… Listen to your intuition, follow your soul and know that everything is temporary.

You’re having a human experience, so sometimes shit is gonna show up! Mom stuff, your stuff, friend stuff, body stuff or hello global stuff (i’m talking about you the corona pandemic! - this was written way before Covid 19 was a twinkle in our eye)

Having shit show up is pretty much to be expected from time to time, but HOW you handle this shit is completely up to you!

You’ve got this BOO!


Loads of love


Emily xxx

emily hill