Daily Reminder of Who You Are


When you wake up in the morning it should be daily practise to remind yourself of who you are and what you came here to do AND the power you possess!


You are the creator of your reality, what you think about you bring about and it’s up to you and you only to CHOOSE what you feed your mind with – Thoughts of abundance, through of richness, though of utter delights, thoughts of success


Your vibration is YOUR responsibility!


What you vibrate you will become – it’s not wishy-washy BS THIS IS FUCKING UNIVERSAL LAW!!


And by the way if you’re not really considering universal law within your manifesting then you are missing on the most fundamental backbone because universal law happening to everyone, everywhere all of the time!


It doesn’t skip lucky or unlucky people or just grace you with its magic once in a blue moon, universal laws are happening to YOU and EVERYONE all of the time NO exceptions. They are the building blocks of our reality.


If you’re not getting what you want, then somewhere you are using the laws against your successful manifestation rather than for.


Everything you ever want is available for you, it is possible to have anything you want and it can be available instantly if you can move your human mind out of the way and vibrate your way to match the desire


I know, easier said than done, you have people around you that can fuck up your flow, Worldwide calamities, soul lessons that you keep bumping up against, past experiences that have formed and conditioned your mind and so many other things that can slow down the instant manifestation which do actually occur as soon as you decide. Every powerful decision becomes a reality within the vibrational realm instantly, your job is just to let it in…


And it doesn’t have to be hard or a struggle you CAN actually move through life, learning all the shit you need to learn, doing the mission you came here with HOWEVER messy it may be!


While fucking having fun!


Rejoice in the fact that you get to come here, in an often messy world and use your energy to create, to have fun, fall down, get back up again, decide some more and do the dance of life…


This is your stage; you are the star of this show and the centre of your universe – Do you really feel fulfilled with what your life is now?


What would you do if there were no limitations?


If you were free to do whatever you, please... What the fuck would you be doing?


What would your work be?

What would today's work be?

What message would you share to the world?

What would you fill your days with?


In other words what is your souls work for today? The true souls work that you came here to do.


Emily xx

emily hill