Recode Your Energy Systems

Recode Your Energy Systems (7).png

Energy is everything and it does not matter how much you DO, how hard you work if your vibration isn’t a match for what you want then you will not get it so of course vibration is the most important thing for you to focus on THEN the actions you take will come from a higher frequency and give you the rich results!!!


You can choose to spend your time focusing on the outer work but that’s not going to get you the long-lasting RICH ABUNDANT results you want


I’m not going to sit here and try and convince you why you need to focus on your vibration, it’s not my job to convince you to do anything but it’s my job to show you, for the ones that fucking get energy and vibration and want to raise there’s in the most expansive way so they can experience life to the max.


My ideal clients know that vibration and energy is a thing, but they also know they get dragged down and thrown out of alignment – we all can! My ideal people know that they have a big mission, they know they are here for more, but they are also aware that there is some BS that they are STILL carrying around with them that is slowing them down!! 


They know that somewhere, somehow their vibration isn’t in FULL alignment and harmony with this big mission


It could be them still hiding /  not doing their souls work

Fear of being judged

Not deciding hard or big enough

Lack programming in their DNA that they can’t seem to shake off

Hitting an upper glass ceiling financially so no matter how hard they work they stay on the same income


All of these boils down to lower, unwanted frequencies within your energy systems, affecting your day to day manifestations


I am a massive fan of journaling to burn into the mind new ideas of who you are and what you are experiencing, creating strong neural pathways BUT there is a higher more expanded way to shift the vibration within the spiritual layers of your aura including your DNA and CELLS… Then the inner work become easier


You become a blank slate in which to re-code your energy systems with the thoughts and beliefs that carry you swiftly to your dream life and open you up to more world service and abundance.


This is the path to fast acceleration of not only material things but your souls work, soul growth and become a happier more radiant being that magnetises people and situations and experiences that reflect this new level of light you hold in your cells.


You have so many energies available to you that you can use to accelerate yourself there is way more to manifestation and creation than just the things you get told about, I when you find higher flows of energy and frequency and bring them into your mind and your body and your whole entire being

emily hill