Change Your Vibration, Change Your Life


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Energy shifting is like hopping on the EXPRESS train and travelling first class, to wherever you want to go


It’s always about energy… ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS


You are an energetical being and the world around you respond to your energy; through your words, your feelings and even your actions because your actions always have energy BEHIND them.


This is science, this is fact, quantum physics shows us how the nature of our universe works and confirms what spiritual teachers have been talking about for centuries


You really are creating your reality though your vibration so the ONLY thing to do if you want to see a change in what you physically create in your life is to jump into the next frequency THEN you can physically jump into the next level of whatever you are trying to create through your actions.


This works for ANY area of your life

Your energy is THE most important thing and the higher your energy vibrates, the higher the physical forms of what you want will be…


You want more – vibrate higher


Before we go further, I need to remind you that…


You’re not fucking human!!!!!!


You are a multidimensional, complete divine soul that happens to be having a human experience!!


And you don’t have to operate on a 3D level in your life and business, you can speed things up, slow things down, you can access divine intelligence to make decisions that bring you a bigger impact a higher income with less energy and time – The work we will be doing in the 11 days will open you up to so more


In fact this course is more than just elevating your frequency - it's about opening you up to your soul, your divine self tapping into the realm of the quantum - where nothing is as it seems to be


3D is length, width, height – this means when you operate on this level you limit yourself to only what can be physically measured, and there is so much more, so many energies available to you that make everything easier!


You measure (and are often ruled by) time – it doesn’t fucking exist


You measure (and often ruled) by how much money you make – Money is amazing but right now your prob letting your need for money block your success in business - there is a different way to get way more of both!


You believe something is happening when you see it materialise – this is backwards! You create something when you believe it with all your being, before your physical eyes see it! You can get out of the old way of operating and mould the energy around you with your thoughts!


You my friend are capable of bringing your multi-dimensional abilities to go above and beyond in your business to multiply your impact, your clients, your service, your joy, your wealth and your happiness WITHOUT working more!


When you actively seek a higher vibration your world will change - It is Universal LAW


Some of things you will experience as you vibrate higher:


✔ Feeling refreshed and re-energised, vibrating at a new level which oozes out of every pore so that you look and feel younger and fresher, higher energy levels and a magnetic energy that calls the right people to you

✔Manifesting money like magic, opportunities finding you, crazy synchronicities  that blow your mind

✔Attracting rich ideas that give you rich results

✔Increased intuition

✔A bigger, exciting vision to walk towards

✔Clarity and confidence to take your next steps to get there

✔Not caring what people think so you can truly do the work you came here to do

✔Going to bed fulfilled, expanded and excited for the next day

 ✔A mind free of bullshit 

✔Everything you touch turning to gold



There is a balance between you as a divine, energetical being and a physical human and when you start to use your energy in higher ways your human side becomes so fucking developed that your ability to create, consciously what you want (as in choosing what you want  and then calling it in with no doubt what’s so ever) becomes powerful, so definitive that your life and your personality self-changes with massive transformation and expansion..


When you vibrate higher you shift the energy of everything around you, your world morphs and shifts into the life that you could only dream of...


Are you ready though??? This is the question...


emily hill