It's all about Vibration
Anything you want, anything you want to experience all comes down to your vibration
So, you want more? You want to be richer, happier, more successful you’ve got to vibrate higher
Your vibration determines everything you bring into your life and no, I’m not talking ‘think positive’ because that’s just something that people say when they don’t really know how it all works
It’s certainly not a case of trying to think positive, it’s about vibrating at a higher level then where you currently stand which means shifting and expanding on a deep energetical basis, not just forcing yourself to think and say ‘positive’ statements
You’re a spiritual rebel, a messenger, healer, leader and you really don’t have to sit there thinking all light and love 24/7 to create the life you want but what you have to do is manage your energy, your thoughts, your vibrational frequency every single day so that you buzz like crazy with the flow of divine energy!
That’s when you magnetise people without saying a word
That’s when you call to you, through your energy, the people the situations and experiences that light up your life
That’s when you upgrade the physical world around you
And of course, that’s when you BECOME who you came here to be!
Let me tell you why vibrating higher is the only way to call in next level shit in your life
First let’s stop letting the law of attraction get all the limelight! That is only a part of it and it’s a secondary law!
I’m about to tell you what its really about…
Everything in this whole entire world carries a energetical frequency and you as a human, through your thoughts, words, feelings and actions carry a dominant frequency (what you are thinking, feeling, saying and doing MOST of the time AKA you can still have a shitty day and vibrate high)
You are like a giant beacon sending out frequencies all of the time!!
Very simply put...
When you think and feel fear, doubt, lack you send out lower frequencies
When you think and feel love, abundance, faith, happiness you send out higher frequencies
And the law of attraction, you could think of as being the manager of vibration; and sends you back the people, situations and experiences that match your vibrational output!
What you put out you get back...
If you’ve ever experienced an up-leveling; where your income increased, you upgraded your home, car, friends, your body or whatever it may be… Well that is because either intentionally or subconsciously you have increased the vibration you are putting out there...
When you vibrate higher YOU WILL create something different (not always instantly but definitely instant manifestation can and do occur!)
It is universal fucking law
And that’s that!
Now can you see how just forcing yourself to think positive ain’t gonna cut it...
You have to vibrate; you have to radiate, you have to FEEL, you have to relentlessly and persistently feed your mind with higher thoughts, make decisions from a higher place, raise your vibration and clear ALL the bull shit holding you back!
You have to wake up and decide to vibrate higher again and again until this higher vibration becomes your new normal (remember the higher the vibration, the more money you make, the more clients want to work with you, the more great things and people find its way right into your lap – without working your ass off)
That is the only way you can up level and STAY THERE
Let me tell you again
You want to up level ANY or ALL parts of life
Its going to take you vibrating higher!