If You Want More You've Got to Give More

Hey Lovely,

SO I’ve been using my time to really get clear on how I can add extra value for you, where I can up my game in bringing you even more free daily content; firstly because I love serving my people and that’s what I’m here to do and I’m called to do even more! It certainly feels like the time to ramp things up an extra notch (are you feeling that calling for you too?)  and secondly if you want more… you have to give more, its universal fucking law!


If you want more clients give more value

Let them see more of you, the real you

If you want more money, give more energy whether that be money, time or whatever

If you want more love, give more love

You get the idea.

When it comes to the whole giving and receiving debacle, there are usually 2 camps I see when people come and work with me;

Firstly those who hardly ever email content to their people, sell sporadically and definitely hold back their gifts and talents - usually some kind of fear or belief is holding them back, fear of being pushy or annoying people, fear of being to salesy (which of course we completely irradiate when we work together) These beliefs are BS if you are giving value and content that helps them in some shape or form then why would your people NOT want to hear from you? If they don’t then maybe they are not your soul client or not ready for you yet and in this case they probably wouldn’t be buying from you now or  maybe never OR if you’re not really connecting with them, tuning into what they want and need and bringing them useful, helpful, content then you’d see them drop by the way side anyway.

 People’s time is precious so if you are not going to add value then why would they allow you to take up their time, they will ignore you or unsubscribe / unfollow etc

The second camp is those who post, email religiously, sell frequently so they are give give give but not taking to time to be in a state of receiving… so then they put all this effort in and get zero or low results. You’ve got to allow the good stuff in, you can not be in a state of energy output all of the time that is just putting a barrier up to your success, just as much as the people who don’t take action at all!!

They also will probably hold beliefs such as they must work hard to succeed, they are not good enough which is why they give and not allow themselves to receive OR they could have an underlying fear of success, it could be a multitude of things and that why my clients get such good results working with me because we uncover this BS and clear it fast, otherwise it just lurks around creating havoc with your business forever!

I have been in both camps at various time in my business and finding that balance is tricky it depends largely on your natural disposition and character AND the internal beliefs that you hold… Your internal belief work should be something you do everyday ESPECIALLY if you are not selling and making the money you desire and even then if you desire to keep elevating then the ‘work’ is never done! You have to find your own flow and alignment, what works for once person doesn’t work for another in terms of strategy!

The first step in finding this balance, this flow of giving and receiving is as easy as deciding (you will need to be fully honest with yourself about how you are currently showing up especially in regards to giving and receiving / pushing and allowing) what you actually want? What would this flow and balance look like for you? How do you want it to be day to day?

Then looking at what you would need to believe to be the person who gives value to their people, brings them shit content AND also allows them to be in the state to receiving, making ACTUAL sales consistently with clients that they love!


Then of course you will have to take action, as always there are three things you need to do to consciously create your dream life and business and that is decide, align, take action!

So, this brings me back to where I am now in deciding what actions will reflect the next level of alignment, service, success, and money that I am leaping into!

The very thing you must do is decide than give more love, more energy, more smiles, more service more of all the things you wish to receive!


Loads of love

Emily xxx

P.s have you seen my new 121 intensive? Where we will work together for 7 days for a fraction of the price of my usual 121 work?

This intensive is designed to put you back in the driving seat of your life, business and finances. maybe you are feeling a bit stuck, not your usual high vibe self OR you just know that you are ready for the next level and it’s time to clear all the BS that has been holding you back!

Whatever it is this intensive will give you back your vavavoom, your sparkle, your money manifesting powers so that you can do the work you came here to do in STYLE!

Get all the details over HERE – the early bird price is still open until tomorrow you get your place today if its speaking to you and your soul

emily hill