How to Access Divine Intelligence and Superflow!
When I am truly connected to source to divine intelligence as I write or talk my hearts pumps with exhilaration, my fingers move lighten speed, if I’m am speaking my talking get faster and louder as if it coming from somewhere else, I know when I am in this flow I can feel the energy whirling around my body, especially around my heart and I’m laser focused and nothing could break me away from what I am creating.
A blog gets written in 10 to 20 minutes
A sales pages probably the same
Clients get shifted instantly
I feel the shifts expanding me and expanding everybody that reads this or listens to me,
This isn’t me; this is the divine flowing through me allowing my higher self to come through and give my personality self a back seat for a moment.
This is the message that needs to be heard even if by one person I don’t care, as I long as the words reach and lift and shift at least one person than I know I have done my job for the day.
I have fulfilled my mission for that day, I can rest easy knowing that I did my fucking job of raising this planet one person at a time also knowing that by shifting one person the butterfly effect occurs, the flap of a butterfly’s wing can create a tornado and the words I allow to flow through me create shifts and transformation on this planet that I can only imagine.
Imagine of all of us leaders, healers and teachers everyday accessed this flow and allowed exactly what needed to come through us, the words, the energy, whatever it is; the world would be uplifted and transformed and that’s why our job is fucking important we are the ones to take things into the next level of evolution, to shift the vibrational frequency for one and for all, for all the time to come.
You have a job a duty, a reason why you came here, and do you want to to leave this planet without fulfilling it?
Are you truly doing what you want and know that is for you to do? Are you stuck in the personality level allowing yourself to be held down and held back through all the BS thoughts, beliefs and fears that would seem so insignificant, if you knew your power (or remembered it) you would never let this stuff hold you back!
And I want to help you, I want to help shift you into that next level of your being, let go of all that crap that is so silly in the grand scheme of things but they seem so real, so heavy and just part of you but its not. You are a strong divine being and deserve to fulfil your mission and to do it in style with money flowing, fun flowing and joy coming out of your arse!
Don’t fuck with a goddess is here and its going to shift you into the next level so that you become unbreakable, unstoppable and unapologetically you in all areas of your life!
Are you ready?
I know you are I know it’s your time and I feel it so get over here and if this speak to your soul join me on the early bird price before it goes up on Monday! Get all the details HERE and let your soul decide
Loads of love
Emily xx