I Haven't Done Enough...

I haven’t done enough... This has been coming up me for a lot in my journaling and this niggly little feeling has been accompanying me for too long.

I haven’t done enough for this launch

I haven’t livestreamed enough, said enough, done enough

I haven’t done enough in the course I need to add more things

I haven’t done enough inner work, energy work

You get the picture

 And this is all BS. It’s a false belief that has to go because it’s just a symptom of the old stuff, of not feeling good enough siting in my energy field (I’ve done a decade of clearing this shit but every time I uplevel a new layer shows up)

But guess what I am listening.  I am ready.

I intentionally sit and listen to my negative, critical, scared self-every day.

But I don’t listen and take it as truth, believing the lies.

 I listen. I allow her to come through, I intentionally allow her to speak as she shows me what I need to heal.

Then I release it, I heal and evolve this part of me and move quickly into my higher self state, i switch it on it's head so that I can recode in new beliefs, strengthening what I already know to be true and create new neural pathways within my brain and cellular memory.

 THEN I take action as the person I am stepping into, the confident, so sure of myself, next level version of me.

If you keep pushing these voices, niggles away you are just keeping them hidden, you can hide them with positive affirmations and mantras, but they are still there!!

Listen to her and allow the shit to be released. HEAL and EVOLVE her otherwise she will always be flowing low frequency and BS into your experience slowing you down from your true destiny!

Its time to say goodbye to the part of your that doesn’ feel good enough, hot enough, wise enough, pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough.

Its time to let her go.

Emily xx

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emily hill