Why your Thoughts are Taking Over and What to do About It

Have you ever woke up the morning and had a thousand thoughts jumping through your head?

Skipping from good to bad, from high to low, from what you want to what you don’t want?

Or have you ever had a great idea and you’re all excited until… the doubts and fears creep in, your energy dwindles and you start to talk yourself out of it OR just never even take action at all.

Its not a great feeling is it to have this big mix up of thoughts and then these thoughts create a not very nice bag of emotions.

What happens when we have this up and down confusing energy going on, is the universe gets confused to! And it can’t bring you your desire because you’re not activating the “right” vibration long enough for anything to happen.

I call it a flip flop vibration, where you flip and then flop in and out of alignment

Which results in flip flop manifestations.. things happening and then going backwards, feast then famine, never quite reaching your full desire or working way to hard to move forward.

You also;

End up spending way to long in your head

Over thinking

Over acting

You get off track with your actions (well the ones that are aligned anyway) which means you faff around and waste time

You feel disappointed, disillusioned and doubt whether its ever going to happen.

Why does this happen to us?

  • Your desire is not strong enough - If the destination doesn’t feel good then this creates conflict

  • Your mental body is tangled with your emotional body - when these too bodies are clear and untangled your thoughts line up easier, you have mental fluidity, your thoughts flow from one to another rather than going up and down and all over the place.

  • Your past emotions and experiences which are held in the cellular memory and in your etheric, emotional and mental bodies create fears, doubts and subconscious memories that impact on your thoughts. Imprints and overlays are also at play here (more about these in a future article.

  • Sub-personalities - There are parts of you that have splintered off mainly due to past experiences. If you have had an experience that is in conflict with your desire this part of you will try and keep you safe by flowing false thoughts, beliefs and stories into the mix, you can work with sub-personalities transforming and healing them to be in alignment with who you you want to be moving forward

  • Other peoples energies (their stories, beliefs, emotions) impact upon your energy, also the energy of mass consciousness. Confusing you and taking you off track from what you really want. Its your job to shift through the thoughts and beliefs that are really yours or new ones that reflect your stage in your growth and evolution

The good news is all of these things are changeable and transmutable with the right knowledge and techniques (if you know your thoughts take over and slow you down from your happiness and success we’re dealing with ALL of these points over in Project Alignment find out more here)

When your thoughts go haywire its actually a good thing, it shows you that you have stuff to heal and transform, and when you do you can stay in alignment so much easier and we know what happens when you’re in alignment! Perfect ideas arise, perfect people appear and everything gets easier, abundant and fun!

Here’s to your expansion!

Emily xxx

emily hill