There are a Million Ways to Create Success
There are literally a million different ways for you to create what you want.
There are “guru’s” everywhere telling us that their way to success is the one we should follow and if you’re not doing it like them you’re doing it wrong.
Well let me tell you… it’s BS.
YES - their way probably works for them
YES - they have probably helped others to use their strategy successfully
YES - you could use their way successfully too
BUT their way is not the only way and it may or may not work for you NOT because the strategy is wrong, but because it’s your energy that has to be right in order for ANY action / strategy to work.
So the reason I’m writing this blog is to really tell you that there are a million people telling you the million ways you can grow your business, make more money and create the life you desire BUT none of them are right or wrong and the only person who knows the right or wrong way is YOU.
And before you can even find the right action, the right method, the right strategies you have to have the right energy.
“Its the energy behind your action that gets results”
Get your energy right and the perfect strategies will come into your awareness, the right teachers, mentors and guides will appear and you will find ideas popping into your head that when you follow gets results in a way that feels great.
When you’re in alignment (the right energy to match your desire) divine intelligence gets on board and gives you the quickest most joyful results.
Why do you think 2 people can take exactly the same method and 1 fly’s and the other falls flat on their arse?
They’re both coming with a different vibration, different beliefs, different emotions, expectations and stories and they both have different experiences that affect how they think and feel.
This all goes into the pot along with the action they’re taking and brings 2 different results.
But they’ve took the same strategies? So it shows you how important your inner game is!
So before you invest in another person, program or course that promises to give you XYZ results check in on your inner world first!
Does it really excite you and feel good? Or are you doing it because you’ve been convinced that you cant succeed without this “thing”
Is your energy (your thoughts, stories, beliefs, emotions) lined up with what you want to get out of it (More HERE if you need help with this}
Does it feel right or are you doing it because you think you should or you’re missing out?
Are you doing it from lack (thinking about what your missing) OR doing it from abundance (thinking about what you can have)
Ultimately if it makes you feel great and it feels exciting then it’s the right thing to do! And there are lots of people out there that can help and support you but it’s always YOUR energy that will make it work or not.
There are a million ways to create what you want, the best thing you can ever invest your time and energy in is your own alignment