How You're Accidentally Doing Your Clients and Your Bank Balance Wrong!

The best thing you can do for your clients (and your bank balance) is to see them in complete abundance.

Even if they miss a payment, even if they can’t afford your latest offering, even if they tell you how they struggle financially.

See them in complete, absolute abundance. No matter what their circumstances are.

(You can do this for everyone, not just your clients and this is powerful work for yourself and for the people you are seeing abundance for)

If you spent a few minutes a day flowing abundant thoughts your clients and also to everyone in your house or that are close to you, you would be emitting a very powerful vibration and you always gets back what you put other there! You’ll be raising wealth consciousness for everybody.

What you focus on expands so every time you see your clients in lack you are creating lack for yourself. Of course you do not do this is on purpose! You love your clients and I know you want the best for them and of course you want more abundance for yourself too.

I use to do this loads! Presuming clients cant afford something, presuming they will have to have a payment plan and this has kept my wealth consciousness lowered and also flowing the energy of lack to them to.


  • Do you ever lower your prices because you think people might not be able to afford it?


  • Do you ever panic or judge when someone misses a payment with you?


  • Do you undercharge and discount because of judgement you make around others financial situation?

My hands are up, because I have!

 To serve your clients in the highest way, see them in complete abundance. Price your work from abundance and not from lack. See abundance everywhere; know there is abundance available for everyone. Hold no room for lack anywhere in your consciousness, only allow abundance, plenty and wealthy thoughts to ruminate in your awareness. And you will be doing your clients and yourself a big abundant favour!


emily hill