How to Use Your Natural Instincts to Quickly Manifest Your Desire
You were born with gut instincts, nature has given you this gift to create, to manifest and to evolve but most people shut down their natural instincts choosing to listen to outside influences instead. Believing that your parents, partner, teachers, bosses and friends know what it is best for you... This is bullshit!
Take a lion... strong, powerful and king of the jungle... imagine if the monkey told him "your hunting needs a bit of work, you caught that zebra all wrong, really what you should do is this" or the lion turning around to the snake "I really fancy that lioness over there what should I do?" No the lion relies on his natural god given instincts and this is what keeps him fed, alive and procreating, keeping the pride going.
You have exactly the same instincts within you and these instincts will keep you abundant, happy and creating the life that you desire.
Listening only to outsiders rather than your OWN guidance takes away your power and your ability to manifest quickly and joyfully. Yes we can learn by others but you are the strongest authority in what is best for you and what you need to do. So... are you trusting your own instincts? Are you listening to your intuition and most importantly are you acting on the inner guidance you receive?
It may be that you are so used to relying on outside forces that you're a bit out of touch with your own intuition. In this case you've gotta retrain yourself to firstly ask then hear and then act.
Ask - The more you ask the more you receive. Start training yourself every day "what can I do today to create......."
Hear / receive - Once you've asked you've got to receive so train yourself to get quiet and listen up for all that golden guidance that's right inside of you. You may get an answer straight away or it may come to you another time. Once you’ve asked have faith that the answer will come at the right time, keep your eyes and ears open for messages that could come in the form of a lyric in a song, a book, a passing comment by your friend or just a solution popping into your head
Act - You've got to take action or nothing’s going to change but if you start to act on inspiration you will get what you want much quicker and easier! Start to train yourself to act quickly.
The more and more you use this natural, magical gift the stronger it will grow so today could be a great day to tap into the very thing that will move you quickly towards wherever you want to go.