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You are a woman with big dreams and desires

And you are making moves towards making your dreams happen BUT you feel like you keep getting pulled off track..(you are never off track BTW, that is just your human self and your mind playing tricks on you)

But you feel it..

Energetically and physically

You know you’re ahead of the game of most (you know most people don’t even start) and you’ve done A LOT of inner work, made a lot of moves

However, as soon as you make decisions and get excited about a dream, a desire, the idea, the direction or whatever

The wobbles show up

The doubts and second guessing yourself

Feelings of inadequacy

Past experiences clouding your vibration bringing underwhelming results

Shiny thing syndrome


Tripped up by the how

All BS in your head that bubbles up, slows you TF down and keeps away the joy and freedom and peace you crave

Keeps you away from the full expression of who you really are.

And you’re tired of that

You know you came here to expand this universe

You know that there is so much more for you to create


You didn’t come here to be mediocre

You didn’t come here to half ass your way through life

You came here for more, and you know it

You are ready to fuck it all and just do the MF thing you came here to do


Unshakeable, Unstoppable

For women with big dreams

Build your powerbase, create rock solid confidence, increase your energy, frequency and resilience so that you can fully unleash your heart and soul to the world and create something epic REGARDLESS of what is going on around you.


I’m am so friggen lit up about this!

Becoming unshakeable isn’t about NOT ever having wobble or doubts or fears or things happening around you but expanding through them.

Moving through obstacles and navigating the inevitable problems and challenges that happen in life

Strengthening your belief, confidence trust and faith in YOURSELF, In a higher power to guide you

Falling in love with YOU so you unleash your message and your magic to the world with confidence

Each day for 15 days starting today, receive an audio / video full of tools and techniques and soul shifts to become unshakeable. Unstoppable. Unapologetically You

2 ways to join in this energetic portal

Buy the stand alone, homestudy version. Videos, audios, energy activations / ,meditation MP3’s and journal prompts delivered to your inbox for 15 days starting now and placed in your members portal. Forever access.

Or join the Unleashed academy my 12 month membership where you can stay for a month or the rest of the year and get



Desire (January’s Course)

AND a new course every month (for as long as you’re a member) an underpinning and key piece of personal alchemy to fully unleash your energy and work to the world while creating a life you love and adore


  • Live masterclasses and workshops

  • Weekly riffs and discussions to help you integrate the personal alchemy and soul shifts

  • Q&A’s. hot seat coaching and open inbox session where you get to ask me anything and i will personally message you back with intuitive hits to your questions

  • All held in an exclusive Facebook group

  • Option to upgrade to VIP on a month by month basis where we have daily private conversations in voxer.


Your energy is like your outfit, you get to choose it, you get to step into it on a daily and this energy will attract or repel, simple as! You are in control of what you wear right? Well you are in control of your energy; nobody can dictate to you what energy you decided to take on

When you fully activate that powerhouse, rebel, Goddess energy you will move mountains and you won’t give a fuck what other people are doing, saying, believing you will create what you want on your own terms


I am going to help shift you back into that powerhouse that baddass who fucking feels like she owns the world, knows what she wants, knows she can have it and gets to work creating it!!!


All it takes is that internal light to get flipped on and to access the power, confidence and belief inside of you….

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