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Powerful AF

Here to change the world

Gifts that expand this universe

Magic running through your veins

Trusting and leaning into your inner being, to spirit and soul

Divine intelligence flows through you ready to be accessed at any time

Everything you could ever need to know is right there inside of you

Let me help you open up to higher flows of energy, to become a clearer, brighter channel for spirit to come through you lighting up you path, showing you the way


To be a soul led women who changes this world KNOWING and STANDING in your truth is f/cking essential.

You will be pulled off track and out of alignment

You will slip into doubt and not good enough vibes

Mass consciousness will get into your head

But you having the ability to come back to truth, fast. To connect into your infinite, all-knowing inner being is going to be the thing that keeps you moving forward, keeps you rising upwards, expands your energy so that you can live the life you are meant to live.



The truth of who you are

The truth of what you came here to do

The truth of power you hold

To be you

To experience life in the most beautiful ways

To hear guidance that when followed takes you faster than you thought possible to the life you see in your heart. When you close your eyes and allow yourself to dream, to connect in with soul. THAT big vision.


When you know, feel, and speak your truth you rise into the most confident, strong, and connected version of you.

You fly with the supernatural

You become a force to be reckoned with because no MF can knock you out of your personal power.

The doubts fly out the window and even when the doubts are loud in your head you take action anyway.

When you learn to trust your own inner being as being THE only authority over your life, magic happens

10 Days

Hear your inner being and connect to divine intelligence so you know exactly what to do AND develop more confidence to follow guidance and take big ACTION even when it scares you, so you create what you want faster and easier than you thought possible and fulfil your destiny as a badass who changes this MF world!!

We start on the 22nd June.

Held in a private Facebook group.

Audios, videos, and live trainings

Deep soul shifts, activations, energy work, guided journeys and practical moves to make.

Prelaunch price £111 will go to £222


Here’s what the 10days will look like but of course i always come straight from soul so expect to get EXACTLY what you need to activate, hear and shift!

Day 1 – Opening your energy portals to become a channel for truth to flow through you in deeper and easier ways. Forget about sporadic inspiration and connection this will open you up so that you are in constant communion with spirit, receiving guidance and the actions steps to take to move you forward.


Day 2 -Clearing the doubts and fears that stop you from hearing divine intelligence and acting on your truth. When we receive inspiration, we move! Money and success loves fast action so let’s not let doubt take you out of the game. We will work with parts of your personality to align and heal the parts that are scared, feel unsafe and not good enough to have the success and the life we want.


Day 3 - Creating a personalised daily ritual that allows you time and space to hear God, soul, spirit, whatever you want to call the higher power you resonate with to speak to you, this will create rapid shifts both internally and physically.


Day 4 - Blocking out the noise, the distractions and the energy of mass consciousness so that you can clearly hear and fully plug into your truth without being taken away from your path. It so easy to get distracted by all the noise! The noise in your head, in your house, on social media, in your industry, in the world is flowing to you wreaking havoc if you let it! Let’s put the blinkers on to step fully into truth and power.

Day 5 – Getting your work out to the world - Deepening your ability to download your offers, content, ideas from spirit. Knowing what to put out their world, what to say, the moves to make, what content to create and how to get your work out to the world.

Day 6 - Distinguish truth from ego. Your ego will try to keep you safe and small. Your ego will resist the expansion your truth offers you. Root into the core of who you are, explore universal truth so that you can use spiritual discernment to decipher truths and lies.

Day 7 – Staying in the flow – Staying in alignment with your truth, when to shift course, when to let something go, staying open yet unattached.

Day 8 – Deepening into the truth of what you came here to do.

Day 9 – Amplify the power of your work. speaking your truth, channelling your message, clearing fears that stop your from speaking your truth. Opening you up for an expanded message to flow through you that will call in your soul people.

Day 10 – Breaking out of illusion. Anything other than truth is an untruth; a lie and your physical reality is based upon what you believe to be true, today we will recode the false beliefs you have been holding and create new neural pathways

Pre-launch £111 will rise to £222

Come and play, lets expand and f/cking activate next levels of truth, knowledge and power that already lies within you, this space will open you up to access it ALL!

I love you

Emily xx