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All Struggle comes from ego.

Every shortcoming you think you have.

Every situation you feel you hold no power over and in every way, you feel underwhelmed in life is purely from the perspective of ego.

Your divine self is…



Pure love


And more f**king powerful than you know.


Your soul is bigger, more beautiful and all-encompassing than the human intellect can comprehend.


You are beyond intellect; you are beyond understanding. You are beyond the human constraints of this world.


Yet you’re having a human experience, right?

And you are here to create experience and LIVE a full and rich life!

The more you connect with soul power and draw from this source (not just when you’re meditating and doing all the “spiritual” things)

But when you really integrate this power into your daily life;

Into waking up in the morning, drinking your coffee, into your relationships, your interactions with people, your creativity, your conflict, your plans, your pains, you’re brushing your teeth at night.

The more expansive and potent you become, the more rich, in every way, your life becomes and the quicker you bounce back from the 3d shit so you can really LIVE and THRIVE and change this world as you go!


There is no right or wrong way to this life. It’s all one big experiment. And you’re making it all up as you go.


Nothing you must do.

Nothing to fix or figure out.

I AM and I create.

Introducing soul power

A 6 week deep dive into accessing and using the potency and power of your soul in your daily life to create, unleash, evolve.

Your soul is immense!

And most of us are tapping into a tiny slither of what’s available.

If you have been doing energy / inner work and personal development for a while there’s a good chance you are already allowing a lot more God force energy into your body and life then the average joe who is stuck in the old paradigms. however there is still way more to be experienced!

Come with me on a  journey to discover more of the potent, powerful energies that surround you, waiting to be called in and used to create a life you absolutely adore way much easier, with way more fun and joy!

6 weeks of weekly zoom sessions where we can really dive into this work:

  • Capped at 12 people so that in the live sessions we dive into your stuff individually as well as the collective group. All sessions recorded in case you can’t attend the live calls.

  • Telegram group to keep us connected and so I can share riffs and revelations as they come through and of course for you to share your wisdom and genius with the group

  • Audio trainings to accompany the sessions for you to keep forever

  • This is a mix of energy work through meditations and guided journeys

  • And mentoring to help you navigate the shifts and make powerful changes.

  • Advanced energy techniques

  • And whatever else comes through for you. YOU will get exactly what you need.

BONUS: A mini 121 intuitive coaching session where I will quickly show you what is holding you back from creating your biggest vision and how to shift it.

 You will feel in your heart and soul if this work is for you…

We start on the 16th November and will work together to close out the year.

Sessions on Zoom on a Wednesday at 12pm UK time (subject to change if anything comes up with my kiddo)  

All recorded if you can’t make it live and for you to keep forever so you can refer back to the work.

Every time you do this work you will get deeper and deeper shifts and experiences.