Personality Alignment Journey
There are parts of you flowing energy into your current reality, some will be helpful and others not.
There are parts of your personality that are trying to keep you safe, maybe trying to stop you from being disappointed or hurt and they sabotage you.
When my first business, when i was 21 went down the pan, that part of me was disappointed, hurt and ashamed and this part of me flowed energy into my new business. the energy of failure floated around and how it manifested was, if I didn’t take full action and put 100% into my business, i could never feel like a failure.
This personality alignment journey will bring all parts of you into alignment and on board with your big dreams and desires.
i use this whenever something doesn’t seem to be working, or when i start a new project or when i decide on a next level to desire to call in.
Enjoy and i’d love to hear how you found it so come over and say hi over on Facebook!
Also and if you love this meditation then i have a FREE set of money and success meditations you can get here
Big love
Emily xx