The prerequisite to an overflow of anything in the physical is the overflow of an energy state, feeling and consciousness FIRST!!!
Overflow of confidence
WILL ALWAYS LEAD TO AN OVERFLOW OF AN OUTER experience. That is spiritual law.
YOU are the cause.
And when you truly experience these internal overflows, you can rest in the knowledge that you don’t have to make things happen, because you are in the state of receiving in all realms, on all levels and in all ways.
You can let go of the anxiety of trying to make things happen in your life and business.
You can take joyful, peaceful, action that Lights you up, with faith, conviction, power. Knowing that there is only overflow available for you because you have made it so.
My desire in our time together is for you to
Tap into an expanded level of your natural states of abundance.
Know how to place yourself in a state of receptivity of your desired outcome.
Become the potent being you always were, oozing magnetic energy from every pore.
Understand who you REALLY are for at the core and the truth.
Feel true peace, true contentment, true fulfilment.
Leave this experience feeling expanded and enlightened in the best ways.
This challenge is to assist you in the tapping in of the overflow state. INWARDLY internally first.
NOT to try and get anything.
NOT to try and make more money.
Not to force anything to happen on the physical but to tap into the infinite river of power, personal and divine power so that you can live a life of overflow in every area.
But of course, the world CANNOT NOT change when you do this work, when you make these shifts.
If overflow becomes WHO YOU ARE its impossible for your life not to change for the better, for the richer.
We start on the 12th of February 2025.
Enter your details below for your place!