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Your life, your business, your relationships, your body, your bank balance, your world is a perfect reflection of the ideas you hold of yourself and the world around you.

Think of the millionaire that loses everything and quickly makes it back plus more.

Or the lottery winner who becomes a millionaire and spends it all and is flat broke within months.

Their identity shapes their reality.

Who they believe themselves to be on a subconscious level and how they believe the world operates around them creates the life they will experience.

One KNOWS they are someone who can make money fast, being rich and successful is just who they are.

And the other unconsciously believes they are broke, unlucky, or whatever the internal narrative is.

And life always proves them right!

Do you want to know your unconscious beliefs? The beliefs you hold about yourself and the world?

Then look at your life!

Do you have what you want?

Are you experiencing the reality that lights you the f**k up?

Are there some areas of life that are on point and other parts you can’t seem to figure out?

Are you growing and expanding every month or creating pretty much the same over and over again?

Maybe you experience shifts in your life, but you always seem to slide back to your normal way of being?

Your life is a perfect reflection of your inner world.

You want to change your experience, and you want to change it fast. Quantum identity shifting is the quickest way to a new reality.

It all starts with you.


Next Level You - The Quantum Identity shift

4 week private intensive to upgrade your identity so you can receive more hold more and create your next level reality.

The mission

The business

The body

The relationships

The finances

The lifestyle

Is all created Internally, vibrationally before anything is created in the physical so for you to consciously upgrade, expand and elevate.


It’s time to become her now…

If you keep on working, taking action WITHOUT expanding your beliefs and identity consistently you will stay on the merry go round that keeps going around and around with you stuck on it but not moving forward, towards your vision.

I know that your vision is BIG, and you want it so much but if you don’t expand your sense of self to meet the size of the dream you will not get there.

In our time together we will;

  • Get clear on what you truly desire, you may be surprised when you dig deep.

  • Uncover and shift the beliefs that are stopping you having these desires.

  • Uncover the unconscious desires that are in direct conflict, creating split energy and preventing you from being in alignment with what you want

  • Find and code in the essence of your desire to become an energetic match and speed up the manifestation.

  • Work in the quantum field to access your “next level you” and download the beliefs and frequencies and bring them into your now self so we can align and collapse time.

  • Weed out the old programming, conditioning and data that’s not serving you and has been slowing you down from creating your next level reality.

  • Code in new beliefs with a bespoke reprogramming system that supports you in quantum leaping towards your badass future.

  • Embody the beliefs and behaviours of your next level self with full power and potency.

  • You will feel so confident to take bold action and move in ways that you have been holding back on

What you get

  • 4 Weekly sessions on Zoom

  • Voxer chat Tuesday to Thursday so we can work on any wobbles or triggers that occur in real time and get my support in between sessions.

  • PLUS, Unwavering – a 5 module program to assist you in creating rock solid belief in yourself and the world around you.

This is for you if

  • You are ambitious and spiritual; you have burning desires and you’re ready to do what it takes to create them.

  • You are willing to take responsibility for your life and you are willing to do the work, this is not a magic pill. identity shifting takes time and repetition and quite frankly it can be unsexy BUT it’s also the work that will change your life.

  • You know you are here for more and you are ready to step into that with every part of your being.

If this speaks to your soul, then jump in and let’s start shifting things fast.

Investment options

Early bird

Pay in Full £1200

2 x payments £625

3 X Payments £433

If you have questions or want to chat first to see if this is for you then please feel free to drop me a message HERE or email me at