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Do you find yourself continually looking for outside validation?

Are you always asking other people what you should be doing or looking at what other people have done / are doing to create the success you want?

Would you love to strengthen your connection to your guides and helpers and your own internal guidance system so that you trust what comes through and can flow easily to your dreams and desires?

Do you hear guidance / get intuitive hits but find yourself not taking action on what you get through?

Are you ready for more powerful ways to serve your clients and grow your business?

Or maybe you’re just really curious to find out who your guides are and learn how to tap into more deeply the infinite wisdom available to you

Wake up!! You have divine intelligence available to you at all times and it’s there to take you into your next levels of growth, abundance and expansion.


The more you learn how to clearly hear divine intelligence and take action on what you get through, the easier your life will be.


With everything going on in the world you need to tune into and listen to universal truth NOT the fear and lack BS that’s circulating mass consciousness..


Spirit is waiting to help you, but you have to ask. Your guides are not something outside of you, you have to go within to listen, this is the inner work required so that you can take the outer action that lights up your life and gets you results. My son said to me when he was only about 6 years old, that you hear god inside your own head in your own voice.. Such a wise soul and this is exactly how it is and why it can be difficult to discern which voice to listen to…


You can tune into fear and ego AKA stay safe and small 🤷‍♀️


Or you can tune into divine intelligence – your divine self to expand and evolve next level 🤷‍♀️

And sometimes the voices can sound the same (ego and fear are tricky little shits) it’s the feelings we have to use as the guidance and discernment to which voice to listen to and to take action on.

There has been a million times where I have convinced myself of something being right for me but it was FEAR talking not the divine, and sometimes its easier to shrink and listen to fear and doubt than to expand and follow the path of soul… Growing is uncomfortable at times so we end up sitting in resistance, going nowhere…

Let me show you how to tune into high frequency guidance and never be fooled by fear and ego again.


Hear your Guides Mini Course

I Will take you on a journey to connect with your guides and unseen helpers as we all as tap into your higher self and intuition so that you;

✔ ALWAYS know what to do

✔ Create more alignment to your dreams and desires

✔ Receive energy transmission whenever you need them

✔ Receive attunements to higher frequencies during the workshop to enable you to connect with higher vibrational support systems

✔ Find out who you are working with and connect to them deeper

✔Receive messages and guidance

✔ Download and channel ideas and courses and content for your business


Other things we will cover:

  • How to make sure you are connecting with high energy guides / calling in high frequency guidance

  • Who are you guides and how can you connect with them more confidently and easily?

  • Distinguish between your higher self, own intuition, and the spiritual teams you are working with

  • Download business ideas, content, and new ways to serve your clients

  • Working with your guides to help you help your clients in more powerful ways

  • Channelling and bringing through information and guidance for you and your clients

  • Receiving energy transmissions; great for when you feel down, stressed or experiencing low energy

  • How to get guidance and trust it without using tools such as pendulums or cards

  • Tap into an inexhaustible supply of wisdom, guidance and universal truths


 Click HERE for Instant access to the workshop, audio trainings and meditations for only £77



I’ve been doing this work for over 12 years and have downloaded so many amazing things; my connection is how I create epic content all of the time, create and sell a fast flow of courses that my people love, how I get amazing results for my clients, how I download new ways to work with energy, how I have overcome many personal struggles and a big reason for how I keep my vibration high regardless of what is going on around me.

Some things you need to know…

Your divine self that has an unlimited supply of universal truth and inner wisdom it just takes you tapping into it and TRUSTING IT

Intuition, your higher self is always guiding you and is THE fastest path to success

There are high frequency support systems available at al times

The more you listen and take action on the guidance the more you will receive; the flow will come through thick and fast the more you listen.

You have to ask for what you want otherwise your guides can’t interfere. How many times when something shit happens do you look for divine guidance? In desperation even the most asleep people call out to God, angels or something else divine, but you don’t have to wait till then, you can call on this divine intelligence every day for everything!


I am so excited about this workshop, because everybody should know how to tap into divine intelligence and these amazing support systems there to guide and assist you AND it’s the fastest way to get to where you want to be.

There’s way more to this work than just receiving guidance, this high vibrational support systems can assist in the shifting of your frequency, recoding your energy systems and way more so if this is speaking to your soul join then id love you to join me!

 Instant access to the workshop, audio trainings and meditations