YES Soul Sister! Here are your meditations! (they will also be sent to your inbox)
Allow yourself to be taken into the higher realms and shift into higher frequencies so attracting all the things you desire becomes easier!
These meditations are channelled and powerful AF! They will shift you, heal you and magnetise your energy for all the thing you’ve been asking for.
If you want more support on your journey then check out the Aligned and Happy AF membership only £33 per month with tonnes of support Check it out here
Alignment Journey -
Spend 7 minutes letting go of the outside world, and go on a short but powerful journey to bring you back into vibrational harmony; adding finer and higher frequencies to your energy field, raising you vibration so that you feel great and radiate the best energy drawing more abundance, joyful experiences and exciting opportunities into your life.
All background music is channelled through Thadeous and can be purchased HERE
Prosperity Meditation -
Whatever you visualise over and over again you create. This 10 minute guided meditation will lead you to visualise money and prosperity flowing into your life in avalanches. The moment you align your thoughts, feelings and actions with prosperity you immediately open yourself up to attract money, opportunities, wealth and other good stuff freely and speedily.Turn your money flow on in less than 10 minutes
Soulmate Client Meditation -
Travel out into the soul plane, in this soothing yet powerful guided journey, to connect with your past, present and future soulmate clients and call them into your physical reality so you can fill your business and serve your students and clients in the highest way.
Work with your higher self and soul to make the best, most highest connections and give clients an easy path for THEM to find YOU! Working on the higher planes you will make all your physical efforts more joyful, successful and you will open the way for your clients and students to find you in your physical world with more ease.
Open to receive meditation -
You've got to be open to receive! I know its your natural set point to give and that's great you have to give more to receive more BUT if your receiving channels are blocked, you're going to be using all your energy and stopping the flow of energy returning. Allow yourself to receive all the things you've been asking for by opening up your vibrational doors to abundance and success
Self Love Journey -
Love is the strongest force in the Universe and When you immerse yourself with deep unconditional love you become a giant magnet, magnetising to you riches, abundance and joy. You are fucking awesome! and as soon as you accept how great you are and love yourself unconditionally; the easier it will be to call in clients, students, money and success!