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 My Love!!

You are fucking powerful! Way more powerful than you realise.

You have an energy field that literally repels or magnetises your soul people

You can consciously expand this field with the highest, most refined frequencies that shifts you into a total powerhouse.

A living, breathing, radiant, glowy AF human who literally oozes magnetism form every pore

Creating a life where things happens like magic, synchronicities at every turn, the right people finding you, experiencing a deep connection before you even say a word, they can FEEL your energy and want to be part of your world.

The more you strengthen and increase your energy field, the more powerful and magnetic you become.


In Forcefield we are going to;

  • Clear up your energy field of all the dead and dusty frequencies that are no longer required (that creates all types of havoc, keeping you experiencing the same cycles and patterns and generally lowering your frequency and reducing your power capacity)

  • Activate frequencies such as confidence, power, abundance within your field to make you a more powerful creator and bigger force for good in the world.

  • Embody the shifts because energy work is not the magic fix, you need to take action, you need to move and we can explore ways for you to operate from this new level of frequency.


Your energy is your power.

Your energy is the magnet that draws the right people in. The more clear and refined your energy is, the clearer your thought patterns are, the calmer your emotions and the easier it is for you to take the action required to reach your people.


This masterclass is going to take all the work you are doing in the physical and POWER it the Fuck up!

I can’t wait to do this work with you, this going to be a blast!


2-part masterclass. 7th and 9th Feb
