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 My love,

You came here with something special to do and you’ve been given the gifts the talents and the ABILITY to make it happen.

You chose business as the vehicle to do your work in the world and It’s not always easy I know this, business brings your shit to the surface like a MF and it doesn’t matter what “level” you get to, there will always be stuff for you to move through, to release, to expand into and reveal that next chapter for you.

There will always be inner work to do, energy to expand, and a deeper embodiment of who you came here to be.

The work never ends. Expansion is always available.

We came here to evolve not to be perfect. The desire for perfection keeps magic from doing its thing.

Let your expansion be fun; let yourself create from soul, have fun, let it be messy at times, unleash your magic and your message, calling in those wonderful people that you vibe with as you lift, shift, and transform them and the world with your soul medicine.

Create the life and business you desire in the way that feels great for you

Unleashed and untamed

Screw the rules

This is your playground – play the game you want!


Manifest. Unleash. Evolve is a powerful place to activate next level frequencies within your business and life.

A place to open yourself up to receive more love, joy, abundance, clients and sales.

A place to align with your highest self and manifest that big vision and desires

A place to get support and assistance to inrease your vibration and jump into alignment

A place to connect with like minededand like missioned people

a place to get clarikty when your feeling stuck, challenges come up and you need a hand getting you back into alignemnt

a place to get out of your head and into your soul power to bypass the

step up and speak your truth loudly.

A place to evolve and jump into that vision, the one you see inside you.

This monthly membership program includes;

A monthly masterclass / workshop that will uplift you, enlighten you and help you tap into your magic.

Each session will dive into a different area of expansion, deep soul shifts as well as practical strategies to unleash you magic to the world and getting paid handsomely to do so.

Each session is yours to keep forever and no matter when you join you get the entire library from past sessions that I will hold space for, for you to work through and be activated from no matter when you listen.


£22 a month (cancel at any time - stay a month, stay forever its up to you)

THIS is for the first 22 people then the price will go up

Pay in Full is £220 (two months free) only 5 places limited places available at this rate



We begin on the 1st of October but as soon as you sign up you get instant access to:

  • Get paid: Turn your Inner Magic into Money

  • Fall in Love with Sales – 21-day Mindset and Manifesting Bootcamp

  • Project Alignment

  • Aligned AF and Ready to Blow Shit up – an 11-day audio course

  • My Entire meditation Vault (the updated 2021 version)


I would absolutely love you to step into this vortex of expansion with me.

Let’s co create magic!


Emily xx