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Desire Transmission 1

This is powerful and complete gold that will open you up energetically and assist you in expanding your intentions and working with desire as energy not just a list of shit you think you want but probably don't. Lets create magic

Desire Transmission 2

This is a meditation, an energy activation to expand you and open you up to more of your potentiality in this lifetime!

Desire Transmission 3

Unlocking your next level desires, passions and get your creative juices flowing.

Lots of journaling prompts on this one to assist you so be sure to have your pen and paper handy!

Desire Transmission 4

Find the frequency and become and energetic match

Desire Transmission 5

Cleaning up the energy around your desire so you move into alignment, this is sooo important because if you are not alignment, you have conflicting vibrations around the desires it just won't happen