FREE 5-part Course
Desire is an energy dripping with passion, possibility, and potentiality
An energy to be tapped in, turned on by, oozing juice and deliciousness.
Desire is not the how, the when, it’s not for your logical brain to engage.
It’s to feel, create, to dive into, play with, be expanded by
To be moved by.
It doesn’t matter what you are currently experiencing
Where you have been
What you have done or not done
Your past has no relevance to what you can create.
You can close your eyes, let your imagination go wild, tap into YOUR desires and you will instantly be shifted.
Keep that focus.
Release the doubts and fears
Bring potency and power into your being for even a short time and magic gets orchestrated, worlds collides and the quantum field responds to your request.
Desire can be used by everyone in every moment to create expansion.
Desire is an energy, an energy that taps into your power, possibility, your soul, your consciousness and gives you that fuel to make it happen.
Not wishing, hoping with that one day energy but becoming the energy of your desire now.
Not setting an intention or goal and using pure will power to make it happen
Or writing lists of half assed desires that dwindle into nothingness
But to dive right into the energy of the desire, becoming in, oozing it, magnetising it CALLING IT ALL IN!
So many women I have asked what to do you want, what do you desire and straight away their head tilts, their eyes look up and the thinking brain engages. Hmmm what do I want? As they think it through..
Desire doesn’t come from your head
Desire comes from your soul
You feel it in your gut
Confirm it with your heart.
Introducing Desire…
Tune into the infinite possibilities available to you with power, excitement, fire in your belly AND become an energetic match to it all.
5 transmissions, deep soul shifts with journal prompts and energy activations
The premise of this course is to
Tune into your true desires, the big, the small, the fun, the important, the ridiculous, the delicious stuff that gets your whole body tingling with anticipation
Clean up your energy around the desires, any funky vibes and conflicting vibrations will slow down the flow and keep you in resistance. The more pure and clean your desire, the easier it is to fulfill.
Get out of your own way by dissolving the doubts and fears that keep you from vibrating at the aligned frequency and keep you from taking the action required
Attune yourself to the energy of your dreams and desires, living more and more in the vibrational essence of the life you are stepping into, so your days are more full of fulfilment, joy, excitement, peace NOW, not when but now. Your only point of power is in this very moment
Plug into desire as a tool to inspire you with the perfectly aligned strategy. actions and moves to make that are joyful, expansive and fun.
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