Will you Keep going and Never Stop
In case you need to hear it today...
Its ok to get knocked off track, God knows how many times I’ve felt like I've hidden away, gone into hibernation mode, allowed resistance to the work to take over and honestly there are multiple times where I’ve felt I’ve been flung further than backwards
But how many times are you prepared to get back up again and keep going? That’s the question
How strong is your desire that no matter what you never give up because I know I won’t. I can’t give up as this work is who I am. This mission is at the core of my soul.
Not everybody is in it the long haul though, it’s the special ones that never stop…
Everything you see inside of you is available, its already a reality in the quantum so your job is to align yourself with the vision.
Day in day out
Little by little
Step by step
Turning up the dial of your alignment can come rapid but other times it’s a tiny tweak so small that you don’t even notice, at times you feel like you have gone backwards BUT us humans tend to think in linear time.
That’s not how it works.
Just because you FEEL you’ve gone backwards; how about if where you are is precisely the place you need to be in?
It might be that last lesson to learn before you hit the jackpot, maybe that one thing you needed to shift.
Who knows? we’ll only ever know in hindsight
You can’t see the divine plan. You can’t see the birds eye view of your life.
It’s not your job to know what should or shouldn’t come next
Reality isn’t linear, it’s not a straight line that you walk
Your job is to remind yourself everyday of who you are and what you came here to do and the ability you have to make it happen and not in a way of “things will be great when I get there” way...
You will never get there. There will always be a next place to go, so why not enjoy the MF journey NOW.
Even when times feel hard, you feel like you can’t do this anymore. Remind yourself in any way you can, the power you possess.
Any don’t forget to have fun, to follow your heart to do the things that light you up, because they will sure take you faster to the life and business you see in your heart... this is a journey a ride we can make it what we want.
You get to decide always.
I love you
Emily xx