How to Move Your Vibration up the Scale Fast

The only thing you have to do today is to feel as good as possible, when you feel good you are a magnet for good things and that’s not just some hippy dippy shit to say, its universal fucking law.

You attract the people, the situations and experiences that match the vibration you are putting out there.

You moan criticise, doubt, fear, contract; you will create ALL the things that match that back to you (tip: you may inadvertently be doing these things so be on the look out for any of these manky energies going on)

You ooze joy, and peace, see the best. EXPECT the best; that will be reflected back to you also

So rather than trying to figure out HOW you’re gonna get the things you want to come rollin in your life, focus on expanding your vibration and just follow what feels good moment to moment.

THEN you will be unable to stop good things happening.

THEN the people will want to be around you, be part of your energetic field and of course buy your shit.

THEN random happy and funny shit will just be part of your experience on a daily.

NOW if your mind jumps to but what happens if I feel shit today? If I don’t feel like doing anything? If I feel a lil blahh or someone’s pissed me off today

Well the good news is your dominant vibration (how you feel most of the time) is what’s most important and if you spent 51% of the time feeling good then you would see more good stuff happening. Of course the higher your frequency (how good you feel) the bigger percentage of the time will be a fundamental factor in how quickly you see more amazing shit manifest but you do not have to be one of those hyper excited, always positive people to manifest amazingness.

Calm, peace even a feeling of nothingness (a state of no resistance) is a good state to be in, so the key is to feel as good as POSISBLE in that moment. To feel anger is better then to feel depressed. To feel indifference is better then feeling anger. We don’t always have to feel amazing for our frequency to be raised.

SO if something shit happens find the best perspective to look at it through. I know it sounds cliché but there is always something to be grateful, for even if it’s that at some point this day will be over!


You feel the doom and gloom of mass consciousness? Find a way to raise yourself out of it, meditate, hibernate, tuck yourself up with a good book WHATEVER it takes to what make you feel better! Even if your 'list' doesn't get finished, your business, life and bank balance will thank you for it as money follows joy!

If something you want is evading you, look at the stories you are telling about it, this story will be creating the situation, so your job is to tell a new story that aligns with having your desire and tell it as many times as you need for it to become an ingrained belief and expectation.

One slight lift in a thought, story, feeling will activate a new vibration which will attract a better feeling or thought and so forth. Think of the butterfly effect; one flap of a butterfly’s wing can create a tornado.

When you shift your frequency next level you create next level shit!

Emily xx


P.s we start FREQUENCY tomorrow and raising your frequency is first on the agenda, Its pointless learning advanced manifesting if you have any shitty vibes lurking in your being (we all do its perfectly normal, especially as we are surrounded by crazy energies right now) so in the first module we are going PURGE these mother fuckers out!!! for all the deets! DOORS CLOSE TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT!

emily hill