Trust In your Soul
There is so much uncertainty but the one thing you can trust, the one thing you can rely on to be spot on every time is your soul!
You can be led by your soul
You can tap into your soul anytime you want
You can trust your soul to give you the best advise in the world EVER!
Now is NOT the time to be led by your head and to try to figure things out because all of the uncertainty and weird energies out there will take you in the wrong direction, your ego will want to keep you safe and small, to break down that inner confidence and knowing that can only be found in your divine self
You have to decide what you want
Bring full body alignment into the decision
Then ask your soul, your inner guidance, your intuition, internal wisdom WHATEVER you want to call it; as to what action to take next
AND THEN… of course, taking fucking action!!! Don’t sit and wait it out till more certain times, who knows when that will be, if you have a laptop/ a phone and Wi-Fi you can take action on your guidance because soul won’t give you an answer that you are not capable on MAKING HAPPEN NOW!!
Your soul knows what’s right for you so whatever the guidance is, that is the thing right for you and if your soul really tells you to take things easy to sit back and be still, then of course follow that but I truly believe that there will be a way for you to get your message out there, to serve and make money in a way that is aligned to you and your situation
Get quiet and listen ASK for god’s sake, if you are not asking your soul what action to take then you certainly won’t be able to hear it!
Now is not the time to shy away from your mission, you are a leader, healer, teacher, messenger and a badass consciousness raiser!! You have shit to do and there will always be a way forward, even if that looks completely different what how you expected the spring to roll out for you.
Now is the time to speak up, create content for your tribe, to create offers that will genuinely help them, really feel into what it is they want and need right now and only follow what feels good!
But more than ever you’ve gotta do it from soul, sweet thing!
I would really like to know how you’re getting on at the moment, so drop me a line and I will reply back to you!
Sending you big love and abundance blessings
Emily xxx
P.s here is where you can get more of me!
Blogs - Read my blogs HERE
FREE channelled, powerful AF meditations you can listen to instantly with no opt it HERE (call in soul clients, manifest money and more)
Courses - Find out about my homestudy courses HERE
Don’t fuck with a goddess 7 day Intensive - ( just one more place left) Get more details HERE