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 The mission

The business

The relationships

The finances

The lifestyle

Is all created Internally, vibrationally before anything is created in the physical so for you to consciously upgrade, expand and elevate AS the evolving, leader, coach, healer, teacher, chanel, CONSCOUSNESS RAISER YOU ARE



It takes;

Amplifying high level frequency patterns

Recoding lower frequencies that keep you stuck

Reprogramming your internal wiring taking you back to your most natural, powerful, potent states

 RELEASING OLD ENERGIES THAT NO LONGER SERVER YOU – Freeing yourself from the heavy energies you carry around

Learning how to work with energy in deeper ways to call in and create, working on the soul plane working with invisible substance and birthing it in the physical

Then of course backing up all the energy work with aligned, exciting action. Following guidance from the depth of your soul that takes you rapidly towards your desires, that collapses time and triggers chain reaction across the world


There lies a whole field of possibilities for you to jump into

A whole other world for you to create

Essentially you are creating worlds in your head everyday but as humans it’s EXTREMELY easy for us to keep creating the same realty repeatedly through.

 Vibrating the same frequencies time and time again

Keep thinking the same thoughts over and over again

Often unknowingly because of course who would choose to stay where they are?

No, it’s our human desire to evolve and grow, to shift to transform to create new things


But do you have the heart to back up your desires


To take things next level


To diligently, consistently do the inner and frequency work required

To upgrade your way being and operating, changing a lifetime of patterns

To step into that next level version of yourself you see but just can’t quite FEEL or TOUCH right now?



A 6 week 121 energy portal

121 Mentoring plus video and audio trainings, activations and energy transmissions

Amplification is process of F***ing expansion…. Every part of your life

Your body, your business, your relationships, your divine mission PLUS your income and impact!


Amplification is an energy portal for women who are ready to shift the heavy energies they have been carrying around as they build their business and do the work of there soul AND shift into a higher, happier, lighter frequency that calls in all they want and more.

This is the container for you to work with energy to surpass the 3D ONLY way of working. Merging the energy work, the inner work ALONG WITH the 3D practicality and creating a union / explosion of expansion to move into your level self.


So that you can serve the soul people you came here to serve

To fulfil the mission, you know is in the core of your being

To create the business, you choose to create

To orchestrate the lifestyle that you wake up and fucking adore

To experience next level shit whatever that may mean to you

And to do it in ways that lights up your soul

The 6 key areas we work on and some of the things we will cover

Frequency Shifting - Fine tuning your frequency to match your next level vision

  • Anchoring in the vision, the desire, the mission and tuning into the frequency of it, amplifying the energy, within every part of your being so you can in the people, situations and experiences that match your signal.

  • Vibrate and operating as the woman who already has this stuff to collapse time and create quantum leaps

  • Heightening frequencies and staying there even through any turbulence

  • Activating and opening portals within your energy systems to operate with more light and higher frequency, returning back to your natural state of abundance and power

  • Releasing Karmic imprints and overlays through energy work to end cycles, patterns, and unwanted energy within your being

Working with energy to Call in your Soul people: clients, students, friends, helpers, lovers.

  • Activating and amplifying your signature frequency, sending out into the world to connect with your soul clients next level which calls them in on the physical fast

  • Activating the frequency of HAVING all the clients

  • Shifting beliefs, stories, outdated energy around attracting clients and having what you want in the way you want

  • Working with your soul to create content, offers, knowing how to market and promote your work in aligned ways for you

  • Sending your energy out through the universe to connect with your soul people, playing in the soul plane to make the physical meeting quicker and easier.

  • Connecting with future clients in the now to collapse time

  • Using your spiritual teams to am up your energetics to increase attraction and sales.

Amplifying your Magnetism

  • Creating a strong and robust aura enabling you to feel safe and secure being WHO you are and speaking your truth

  • Upgrading your frequency

  • Activating and running energies through your body to turn up your radiance and amplify your magnetism

  • Learn how to work and play with energy to create what you want

  • Turning your magnetic power on

  • Creating a fierce and unf*ckable with ENERGY,

  • Operate from your full power as a glowy radiant being that knows that everything she touches turns to gold

  • Creating powerful and potent energy states that allow you to do the 3D work required in more efficient ways

Creating a fertile inner world

  • Reprogramming your subconscious mind, creating strong neural pathways with the ideas and concepts that call in your desires and dreams

  • Clearing stagnate energy from your mental body

  • Releasing old BS from your mind

  • The daily fucking inner work

Accessing soul and taking aligned action

  •  Amplifying the outer action and energy

  • Placing your energy in the most effective ways

  • Up levelling your ability to hear and listening to divine intelligence

  • Selling in ways that you love that easily call in your people

  • Implementing soulful strategies that feel amazing

  • Opening your ability to channel to receive information to help you; Create free and paid content, posts, emails, sales pages etc

  • Sell what you love, in the way that you love

  • Releasing ways of doing things that don’t light you up

  • Creating transformational containers for your work by tuning into and following soul.

  • Operating as your next level self in day-to-day life as well as business so that you amplify your frequency and become an energetic match to your next level desires

  • Creating systems structures that assist you to follow soul and get shit done

How it works

Weekly videos, audios training’s, energy transmissions on a Monday to deep dive into the shifts, lifts and transformations all yours to keep forever.

Weekly 121 session to deep dive into that week’s trainings and/or anything that is going on for you, I become the channel especially for you so that you get to where exactly what you need

Daily conversations in Voxer (Monday to Friday) I find its in between sessions that things come up, wobbles, fears pop up and its annoying when you have to wait a week to talk to your coach. You get daily access to me, unlimited so that you can ask questions, celebrate, talk shit through, whatever you need – Your vibe is kept super high and we co-create magic as you move

Plus, all of my courses for you to keep forever.

We start on the 28th June but get access to 6 mini courses and my full meditation vault as soon as you jump in

You can either click the link below to get straight in or message me here and we can chat on messenger to see if this is right for us to work together in this potent container and co-create magic


6-week energy upgrade

Frequency shifting

Eradicating low frequency creating new frequency patterns

Working on the soul plane using energy to create what you want

Becoming Magnetic

Time to amplify… Time to expand… Time to go next level…

I love you

Emily xxxx