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Before I even tell you about the membership

I want you to know…

You are a fucking powerful baddass and everything you see inside of you is available. If you desire, it is possible for you.

Your energy can shift and align FAST. You can change the whole trajectory of your life in a heartbeat.

You never know when things are about to change, your sight as a human is limited. What you really want might be right around the corner so find a way to work through the doubt and resistance and sabotage because the only thing in the way of you having it all is YOU

Stop pushing and forcing and trying make shit happen, its not doing you any good, it’s not getting want you want quicker and that doesn’t mean I’m telling you to not take action until you feel amazing (because  truth you won’t feel amazing all the time, you will always have ebbs and flows in your energy) BUT the better you feel, the more aligned your energy is with your desire, the more you open up to god force energy pouring into your every cell, will result in you receiving the perfect rich juicy ideas that when you move on reap rich juicy results.

Make happiness your priority… if you are working towards shit you think will make you happy then you’re doing it the long way. Get happy first and see more of the good stuff flow in your life!

You are powerful, infinite, all-knowing and everything you need to create the life and do the work in the world that lights up your soul is inside of you.

This is for the consciousness raisers, the healer’s, teacher, leaders, coaches, conscious entrepreneurs, the people who came here to shake up the world!

For those who came here to pave a new way for the next generations AND want to experience an amazing life doing what they love!

This is for you if you want to experience more. More joy, love, abundance, more success, more world service! More more more!

For only £33 per month (cancel anytime)

You will recieve:

⚡Monthly quantum alignment energy session - Releasing the energies that are holding you back and keeping you from being the world server you came here to be stopping you from experiencing the abundance and the joy, the freedom the light you came here and desire to experience.

Activating abundance, success, wealth, powerful potent frequencies and connecting you back to your power more than ever before so you can create magic. Done through quantum energy / alignment work.

⚡Monthly Live Masterclass - Diving into embodiment, action, strategy as well as alignment and a bit of ass kicking that will  help you to align with your big desires and dreams

⚡Intuitive audio’s - You can also request riffs from me on and receive insights to your personal situations whatever is coming up for you / questions you have

⚡Monthly belief work / shadow work / healing the deepest parts of you - Shedding the old beliefs and mindset that keeps you away from your highest potential.

High vibe community

All designed to help you vibrate higher, increase your power and become an energetic match to your big dreams and desires AND have a happy journey to it all!!

The place to drop all the bullshit, shed the dead, heavy energy that doesn’t serve you, tune out of ego and back into soul..

So you can create a life you fucking adore and do work in the world that lights you up!                             

Only £33 per month Cancel anytime.

Live content held in a private Facebook group. Audio’s will be dropped into Voxer and all materials will be added to your member’s site and will be available as long as you are an active member of the group.

Our first Month in the membership is

Embodying the Leader

This is the gamechanger FREQUENCY shift, IDENTITY shift for you to exude powerful leader vibes to change your inner world so that the outer world around you orchestrates become the reality you desire.

Being a leader is about how you feel about yourself, what you think and how you operate and when you do this, when you SEE and FEEL yourself as a leader you will begin to make different choices and act in different ways, will  become more magnetic, you will radiate a whole new energy that calls in the people, situation and experiences that match your inner world.

Become the leader of your life!

Some of the things we will cover.

  • Calling in the rich powerful version of you that already exists and merge with her / his energy so you can download the codes and operate at whole new level.

  • Receive advice and wisdom as to what actions to take to create the success you desire.

  • Shift your identity so that you really become the leader of your life, the world will see you differently when you see yourself differently first.

  • Increase your personal power, radiate success and potent energy that people, the right people want to be around.

  • Release the beliefs that keep you in the shade of who you are meant to be and keeps you away from more success and joy.

And whatever else needs to come through.

There will be a

  • Quantum energy alignment session,

  • Live workshop where we dive in deep about the concepts and how to integrate them so you get results from this work

  • Belief / shadow work to shift, clear and upgrade your mindset

  • And intuitive audios to support you in becoming the embodied leader < you can request riffs on whatever you need and whatever your challenges are

This is for you whether you are in business or not if you want to lead your life in a whole new way if you want to command your desires to materialise in the perfect ways.